Hello 2016!
It’s been a while! I’ve been inactive in my personal blog for some time now. Taking care of some business and personal career. Now I’ve got a lot of free time again so let’s do some writing!
Year 2015 has been really a great year for me. A lot of challenges and blessings surfaced and it all gave a good effect on me as a whole. Many things have been learned and experiences that will be forever cherished.
On the technical aspects of things, 2015 delivered a lot of good stuff too! We saw the launch of Asus’ Zenfone lineup with a lot of different flavors. Back then, the only version I’m aware of are the original ones (32gb and 64gb) but now, they covered even more categories. Asus launched the Zenfone Selfie and the Zenfone Zoom. This Zenfone Zoom is somewhat familiar to me, especially the rear bump. (Yes, I’m looking at you Nokia N8)

2015 also started the era of laptops will high DPI’s. I’ve been strolling to the mall quite often looking for a laptop as a gift to myself and I noticed one thing, laptops today are already creeping up to the Full HD (1920 x 1080) size of resolution. That is definitely a good news since I’m already used to having a Full HD desktop real estate and can’t imagine going back to just HD. I saw Full HD Windows 10 laptops and they’re really good and sleek! Some that top my list is the Dell XPS 15, Acer V Nitro 17” and Lenovo Y700. They’re all beast!
Also, I bought my very first personal laptop that is also high dpi! I’ll be doing a review of my laptop in the coming days.

Lastly, 2015 is the year when the Windows 10 was made available to the public. It was embraced by the public because it is the first OS offered by Microsoft which is free of charge. You can obtain it by download when you got a Windows 7 / 8 or 8.1 machine. It was heaven sent. I have tried the Windows 10 environment and damn it’s fast and snappy. Being a longtime Windows 7 user (I skipped Windows 8), I’m really used to the native Windows UI and by Windows 10, brought back our lovely Start Menu! What a relief!

There are still a lot of things to be talked about in the year 2015 and while it is really a great year, we must move forward and expect a lot more exciting gadgets and technologies in 2016!

A 20-something guy who loves the web. Creating and designing websites are his forte. Also, Jc loves building custom enthusiast-grade computers for gaming, photo and video editing.